Hi hi! How is everyone? I know it's been a while, did anyone miss me? Lol! I've just resumed my physical therapy and everything been going well so far but I'm more tired than usual :/
ANYWAYS! I bring updates! I know that most of you have probably already seen 'em but eh, it's nice to see 'em again isn't it? Hee!
OK! I'm in a bit of a rush since I'm at my aunt's house and I don't have much time on the computer before my cousins come and ambush me. Ya'll have probably seen some of this stuff already since I'm like, a day or so late XP Sorry! If not, then enjoy!!!
Anyways! Ok, this is semi-late a couple of hours since I took a nap and it ended up as a long ass doze kinda thing...
So let's start!
Here we have:
Greetings from Twilight & CatWicke This is the Greetings from Twilight site which has been launched with an awesome message and video from CatWicke! YAY!!!!
And heh, Cam/James is just...wow....yeah...hehehe
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Yes, did you hear about the behind the scenes footage clip that showed on ET?! When I saw it I just about DIED! I was squealing my head off bouncing around the place and I just about traumatized my entire family XD
BUT OMFG! Clips of Twilight Behind the Scenes along with Nikki Reed(Rosalie), RPattz, and KStew! Have you noticed my awesome icon yet?
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Hey! Just a heads up that Nikki and Kellan have a mini interview clip about Stephenie Meyer's "Hitchcock" moment!
Some of the links to the MTV vid are a lil' hinky but someone posted the vid on YouTube so you are free to watch it there! This is especially good for those fans that aren't in the U.S. and not able to watch because MTV is being kinda
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